
File:Subaru FORESTER STi Version (TA

日本語: TA-SG9型スバル・フォレスターSTiバージョンをフロントから撮影。 Date, 28 January 2022, 17:57:51. Source, Own work. Author, Tokumeigakarinoaoshima ...

Subaru Car

FS: (For Sale) 2008 Subaru Forester XT Sports 5MT · Boards containing this Pin · Related interests · More about this Pin ...

Subaru Forester

... SG9 Foresters sold in AU/NZ from 2003-2008. A much stronger six-speed manual gearbox, from the WRX STI, a larger intercooler, and a low-back-pressure ...

Subaru Forester

Built in the style of a station wagon, the Forester featured a taller stance, higher H-point seating, and a standard all-wheel drive drivetrain. Subaru marketed ...

Subaru Forester 2003-2008 (SG) - Car Voting

It made 261 horsepower and was mated to a 6-speed manual! This ... 2004 Forester STi (SG9, Pre-Facelift). IMG_73321200×800 246 ...

Subaru Forester II SG, generation #2

The X and XS models feature a 2.5 L SOHC EJ253 engine, while the XT model features a 2.5 L turbocharged DOHC engine. Both engines have timing belt (camshaft).

SUBARU Forester ModelsSeries Timeline, Specifications & Photos

Complete timeline of SUBARU Forester models and generations, with photos, specs reference and production years.

Subaru Forester [Wiki SubaruFanClub.cz]

2,5XT - 155kW (SG9) 2,5XT - 169kW (SG9). Třetí generace. Třetí generace je vyráběna od roku 2008 do současnosti. Tento model se prodává s čtyřstupňovou ...


速霸陸Forester(日語:スバル・フォレスター)為1997年起日本速霸陸重工業製造、販售的五人座運動型多用途車或跨界休旅車,中國大陸的官方翻譯名稱為斯巴魯森林人,在台灣 ...


日本語:TA-SG9型スバル・フォレスターSTiバージョンをフロントから撮影。Date,28January2022,17:57:51.Source,Ownwork.Author,Tokumeigakarinoaoshima ...,FS:(ForSale)2008SubaruForesterXTSports5MT·BoardscontainingthisPin·Relatedinterests·MoreaboutthisPin ...,...SG9ForesterssoldinAU/NZfrom2003-2008.Amuchstrongersix-speedmanualgearbox,fromtheWRXSTI,alargerintercooler,andalow-back-pressure ...,Builtinthest...
